
Visitor Centers
The best starting point for travelling inside the National Park. Visitors may make enquiries for information about Khao Yai National Park, see exhibits and learn about the history of the Khao Yai forest, conservation, while being a center for conveniences provided for tourists.

Rescue and Medical Centers
Khao Yai National Park has units to provide service and assist visitors using services in the National Park area, to provide safety for tourists and wildlife involved in any incident.
In case of emergency, accident or for first aid assistance, please contact:
- Any of the 3 Visitor Centers, or call 086-092-6529
- Rescue Center near Sai Sorn Reservoir, call 02-5610777 ext. 1791, 1795 or 086-092-6527

Restaurants and beverage kiosks
There are 6 restaurants and 4 drinks kiosks scattered throughout the National Park open from Monday – Friday 07.00 – 18.00 and Saturday – Sunday 07.00 – 21.00

Please only use the toilets which have been opened for service in the area of the Visitor Centers and tourist attractions inside the National Park.

Only park in provided areas, for the safety of your property and to avoid block the thoroughfares.

Conference Room
The National Park provides the service of 2 Conference Rooms at the Visitor Center and Khao Yai Camp 932 (Surasawadi), Register to use the service