
Stargazing is a popular activity in the cool season because the sky is clear and the air is comfortably cool. Stargazing spots include open meadows, Mor Sing To Training centre, Mor Ton Jan, Lam Ta Khong Campground, and other wide open spaces.
The National Park is an ideal venue for this activity. Beginners don't need telescopes or other expensive equipment, as naked-eye astronomy with a guide book or star map is already possible. Astronomers with more expertise should bring a high-resolution telescope to observe the heavens in greater detail.
Choose an open spot for stargazing before sundown, with views to the horizon in every direction without trees in the way. When the skies are fully dark, astronomy can begin in earnest. Not many stars can be seen while your eyes adapt to the darkness, but the glory of the night sky is soon revealed, filled with a surprisingly large number of stars. Avoid looking at any artificial light as this will destroy your night vision temporarily and your eyesight has to re-adapt.

If you need a torch to look at things or a star map, wrap it with red tracing paper as a filter. Thailand's cold season is the best time to see the most stars, as skies are usually cloudless, giving a full star field. Also check phases of the moon, as a waxing or full moon can block out almost all stars.
There are also astronomical phenomena such as shooting stars or lunar eclipses whose times are known in advance each year, so check this information before you travel. Every National Park is good for astronomy and particularly those on high mountains.